English Literature NEA Final Submission

It’s time to complete the final drafts of both parts of your NEA.

The non-negotiable deadline for these is Friday 1st March.

Failure to meet this deadline will result in our being unable to enter you for the A Level.

We cannot stress how important this deadline is, or how important it is that you submit work that is of the highest possible standard.

Remember: we are not allowed to give you an A level grade for your work. We can only give you a mark out of 25.

Hand-in details

The hand-in process involves submitting your work electronically and on paper, in person.

To submit your work electronically, you need to click here and upload your feminism documents and click here to upload your Marxism documents:

  • Your Feminism NEA work should be saved as one Word document – including bibliography. This must be titled Your Name – NEA Feminism (e.g. Hilary Clinton – NEA Feminism).
  • Your Marxism NEA work should be saved as one Word document – including bibliography. This document must be titled Your Name – NEA Marxism (e.g. Donald Trump – NEA Marxism).

You may only submit your paper copies after submitting online.

To submit your paper copies, you need to come to:

  • The English Office between 13.25pm and 14.05pm (lunchtime).
  • L1 between 3.10pm and 3.30pm.

You will be given a receipt for your work.

You must hand in the following documents in order:

  • NEA Feminism – treasury tagged together, no plastic wallets, and no staples. This should be in the following order:
    • NEA
    • Bibliography
  • NEA Marxism – treasury tagged together, no plastic wallets, and no staples. This should be in the following order:
    • NEA
    • Bibliography

At 3.30pm on Friday 1st March, submissions will close for Feminism, and no further NEAs will be accepted.

At 3.30pm on Monday 1st March, submissions will close for Marxism, and no further NEAs will be accepted.

Extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

If you are ill on the day of the deadline, you must contact me to let me know, and arrange to submit the work on paper as soon as you are back in. The work must still be submitted electronically by the deadline.

If you have any questions about any aspect of the NEA, email me.

Remember that you can find plenty of useful material on both aspects of the NEA in your Google Drive folder.

Mr Smith (m.smith@lutterworthcollege.com)