Has social media changed the way in which we communicate for the better?

Here are two fantastic TED talks in which Jon Ronson and Sherry Turkle discuss the impact of social media on the ways in which we communicate in the 21st century.

Jon Ronson: When online shaming spirals out of control

Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?

What do you think of the way in which we communicate with each other now? Has social media had a positive impact?


  1. Georgia Stiles

    Prior to watching these TED talks, I had mixed thoughts about social media, both good and bad. I believed that social media was the most efficient way to communicate however that may not be the case due to how negatively it has impacted our lives; which is highlighted in the TED talks.

    In Jon Ronson’s talk, he explains how people use different social media platforms to destroy people’s lives. As a result, they don’t feel any guilt or feel any remorse as you can’t see how people are feeling about what you have said; assuming that people have understood the context in which you meant your comment to be in. It talks about how people misuse their privileges when it comes to social media as they can and there’s no barriers stopping you. The talk goes on about how companies and other people use people’s trending pain for advertisements which sidetracks us from stopping these immoral actions, further proving how awful social media can be. In addition, social media was created to provide people who didn’t have a voice a voice, however, it’s now not giving anyone freedom of speech and is abusing what social media was created for. Social media can also be a very lonely place and causes a divide between people, deterring everyone against each other. This can be shown the younger people join social media as children can be exploited and brought into a toxic environment to the point they perceive this to be normal behavior and execute this towards their friends and family. Social media bars us from having real life conversations with one another and can stop us from learning reality and taking an interest.


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